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Directory of Men Teams

Use this directory to find a team in your area.

Teams in the current division (Men) for this season are listed below sorted by city. The email addresses for the team reps have been altered to avoid spam harvesters, so you will have to type them in to your email program.

Team Name City Captain Email Team Code
More Cowbell Cary Matthew Cohen matthewcohen39 at gmail dot com MBCOWBL1CR
The Ruckus Clemmons Patrick Shugart patrickshugart at gmail dot com MARCKUS1CR
Who's Your Daddy Concord Bryan Malecki bryanmalecki at live dot com MBBWHODY1CR
The Myrmidons Durham Juan Erickson Erickson at eltunel dot org MAMYRMD1CR
The Guild of Calamitous Intent Durham Blaine Ott at duke dot edu MBBGUILD1CR
6PakAnyone? Greensboro Darren Gregory dgvball at aol dot com MBBSIXPK1CR
NC Power Greensboro Glenn Cashion cashiontime at yahoo dot com MBPROPW1CR
Slick Chicken Lewisville Allen Emory emory194 at hotmail dot com MBSLICK1CR
Raleigh Rage Raleigh Chris Nystrom chrisnystrom2003 at gmail dot com MARALRG1CR
NC Elite Boys 18 Black Raleigh Gary De James gndnc at earthlink dot net MJ8NELTB1CR
Net Results Rocky Mount, VA Paul Fitzgerald spikeit23 at gmail dot com MBNRSLT1CR
Spankonya Statesville Brennan Sigmon brennans at chemtreat dot com MASPNKY1CR
Bump It Up Winston-Salem Joshua Snyder josh32680 at gmail dot com MABMPIT1CR