Directory of Volleyball Clubs

Use this directory to find a club in your area. Use the arrows in the column headers to sort columns as desired. Use the Search box to quickly filter list to those matching your input. The "ages" column represents the age groups the club fielded a team in during the CURRENT USAV season. The age groups will change from season to season based on their indoor team registrations. We have added "gender" and "program" columns to give more information about the teams and programs a club offers. The "gender" column indicates if a club offers male teams, female teams, or both (female/male). The "programs" column indicates if the club offers indoor programs, Beach/Outdoor programs, or both (indoor/beach). Clubs that have completed their Club Registration form for the current season will have a checkmark in that column. Clubs will not be allowed to register teams for the current season until they complete the club registration form.

Note: the email addresses for the club contact have been altered to avoid spam harvesters, so you will have to type them in to your email program replacing the " at " with "@" and " dot " with "." to form a legitimate email address.

city registered name ages gender programs first last email code url
Davidson 704 Volleyball Club12 femaleindoorLeslieWillis 704vbc at gmail dot com SVNFR
Aberdeen AC Sandhills Volleyball Club13-17 femaleindoorDennisMcLaughlin Jr. mclaughlindj3 at gmail dot com ACSNDurl
Haw River Alamance ACES Volleyball Club12-16 femaleindoor/beachWilliamJackson will at alamanceaces dot com ALACEurl
Camden Albemarle Regional Volleyball Club12-18 femaleindoorDelaineTanis dtanis at arhs-nc dot org ALBMRurl
Hiddenite Alexander VBC12 14 16 femaleindoorCasseyBenton downopb at gmail dot com ALEXA
Sparta Alleghany Volleyball Club12 15 17 femaleindoorLeiaBenfield leiarcrouse at gmail dot com ALGHY
Boone Appalachian Volleyball Club12-17 female/maleindoorKimberlyPryor appvolleyballclub at gmail dot com APPVBurl
West Jefferson Ashe Alliance Volleyball ClubfemaleindoorLindseyWilliams ashealliancevb at gmail dot com ASHVBurl
Newland Avery County Volleyball Club15 17 femaleindoorAnnaHollifield anna.trivett at gmail dot com ACVBC
Newport Barracuda Volleyball Club12-18 female/maleindoor/beachJesselynBritton barracudavb at gmail dot com BCUDAurl
High Point Beach South Volleyball Club12-18 femaleindoor/beachScottCastevens beachsouthvb10 at gmail dot com BCHSTurl
Arden Biltmore Volleyball Academy12-16 18 femaleindoorJenniferPeterson jmbpeterson at att dot net BILTMurl
Louisburg Bunn Volleyball Club17 femaleindoorTimothyEdwards tedwards101 at nc.rr dot com BUNNV
Valdese Burke Elite Volleyball Club13 15 17 18 female/maleindoorChrisTreadway burkeelite at yahoo dot com BRKELurl
Raleigh Cap City Volleyball12-16 18 femaleindoor/beachShannonPence shannon at gocapcity dot com CAPVBurl
Morrisville Carolina Advantage Volleyball11-18 femaleindoorEmmaCelentano emma at advantagevb dot com ADVTGurl
Raleigh Carolina Alliance Volleyball Club15-18 femaleindoorGraysonWalter carolinaalliancevb at gmail dot com ALLNCurl
Charlotte Carolina Chaos Volleyball Club13 14 16-18 femaleindoor/beachAbbyHooker carolinachaosvball at gmail dot com CRCHVurl
Fayetteville Carolina Evolution Volleyball Club14-18 female/maleindoorSonnyLunnermon evolutionvc910 at gmail dot com CEVOLurl
East Bend Carolina Falcons Volleyball Club16 femaleindoorMartiBerrier maberrie at wakehealth dot edu FALCN
Charlotte Carolina Juniors Volleyball11-18 femaleindoor/beachSheilaWalsh office at carolinajuniors dot com CJVVBurl
Rolesville Carolina Legacy Volleyball Club11-16 18 femaleindoor/beachChristyFitzgerald carolinalegacyvb.director at outlook dot com LGACYurl
Sims Carolina Patriots Volleyball Club18 femaleindoorMichaelBattle battleground4ent at gmail dot com PATRT
Winterville Carolina Performance Volleyball Club14-18 female/maleindoorJulieTuten info at carolinaperformancevolleyball dot com PRFRMurl
Henderson Carolina Power Volleyball Club18 femaleindoorCaseyWatson ellingtoncl04 at gmail dot com CPOWR
Hickory Carolina Select Volleyball Club11-18 female/maleindoorLacyRowe carolinaselectdirector at gmail dot com CSLCTurl
Goldsboro Carolina Shockwave Volleyball ClubfemaleindoorTangelaFaulkner shockwave4lyfe at gmail dot com SHOCKurl
Laurel Hill Carolina SlammersfemaleindoorMartyWright wrighths at bellsouth dot net CSLMR
Greensboro Carolina Spike Force11-18 femaleindoorCathySescourka csf at ymcagreensboro dot org CSPKFurl
Laurinburg Carolina Storm Volleyball Club15 femaleindoorCarolineKlatt caroline.pridgen at gmail dot com CSTRM
Charlotte Carolina Union Volleyball Club11-18 female/maleindoorJohnBrannon john.brannon at carolinauvc dot com CARUNurl
Cameron Carolina Volleyball All-Star Academy14 16 18 femaleindoorGloriaEllerbe sugabees2 at yahoo dot com ALSTRurl
New Bern Carteret-Craven AdrenalinefemaleindoorAnnetteWilliams ccadrenalinevb at gmail dot com CCADR
Danville Caswell Volleyball Club13 18 femaleindoorRuthMiller rmiller at dot us CASWL
Claremont Catawba Chargers Volleyball Club16-18 femaleindoorChloeTowery chargersvbc at gmail dot com CTWBAurl
Winston-Salem Champion Volleyball Club11-18 female/maleindoor/beachDouglasBalser championvb1 at gmail dot com CHMPVurl
Chapel Hill Chapel Hill Area Volleyball Club12-17 female/maleindoorLisaTooloee director at chavc dot net CHAVBurl
Siler City Chatham United Volleyball Clubfemale/maleindoorJohnnyAlston jlalston at msn dot com CHTUN
Shelby Cleveland Chaos Volleyball Club13 15-17 femaleindoorAmyGoodrum agoodrum at clevelandcountyschools dot org CLVCH
Shelby Cleveland County Blitz Volleyball Club12 14-17 femaleindoorHeidiBuckton hbuckton at clevecoymca dot org CLEBL
Swanboro Coastline Volleyball Club12 14-18 female/maleindoor/beachJosephPadilla coastlinevbc at gmail dot com CSTLNurl
Wallace DCVB Elite VBC11 12 14-18 femaleindoorSusanRaynor susanmillerraynor at gmail dot com DCVBE
Whitsett DOVE Volleyball16 18 femaleindoorHopeHeverly dovevolleyball at hotmail dot com DOVEJurl
Henderson Digging Deeper Volleyball Club12 femaleindoorAprilAbbott aprillyndale at icloud dot com DIGGN
Wilsons Mills Direction Volleyball Club12-18 femaleindoorPaulHobbs directionvbcinfo at gmail dot com DRCTNurl
Greenville East Carolina Jr Volleyball Club12-18 female/maleindoor/beachKelleyKrainiak kelley.krainiak at eastcarolinajvc dot com ECJVCurl
Wilmington East Coast Volleyball Academy12-18 femaleindoor/beachLarrySalefsky larry at eastcoastvba dot com ECVBAurl
Denver East Denver Volleyball Club13 14 16-18 femaleindoorCatherineRogers crhorses11 at yahoo dot com EDNVRurl
Goldsboro Eastern Elite Volleyball Club12-16 18 female/maleindoorDawnNorris info at easternelitevolleyball dot org EELTEurl
Eastover Eastside Volleyball12-17 femaleindoor/beachStevenGodbold eastsidevbc at gmail dot com ESIDEurl
Charlotte Elevate AcademyfemaleindoorBreonaYoung elevateacademy704 at gmail dot com ELEVT
Elkin Elkin Elite Volleyball Club15 17 femaleindoorJonathanSymons symonsj at dot us ELKIN
Louisburg FC Firecrackers Volleyball Club13-18 femaleindoorTomHarris director at fcfirecrackersvbc dot org FCVBCurl
Richlands FCA Coastal Volleyball Club14 15 17 18 femaleindoorRachelAlbaugh ralbaugh at fca dot org FCACSurl
Hickory FCA Foothills Volleyball Club12-18 femaleindoorHollyPenland hollytpenland at gmail dot com FCAFTurl
Mount Pleasant FCA Ultra Volleyball Club12 14-18 femaleindoorMelissaFerris fcaultravbc at gmail dot com ULTRAurl
Fayetteville Fayetteville Storm Volleyball Club12 15 femaleindoorKirkHanton faystormvbc at gmail dot com FSTRM
Mt Ulla Fifteen Sports Volleyball Club12 13 15 16 femaleindoorSheilaAllman she2219 at yahoo dot com FIFTN
Cornelius First Flight Volleyball Club16 femaleindoorJonathanKnox firstflightvbclub at gmail dot com FLGHT
Connelly Springs Foothills Phoenix Volleyball Club14-16 18 femaleindoorJamieWard jamiesward at gmail dot com FTPHX
Fuquay Varina Fuquay Revolution Volleyball12-16 18 femaleindoorJenniferKlink fuquayrevolutionvball at gmail dot com FUQRVurl
Whitsett Fusion Volleyball Club12-16 female/maleindoorLisaAndrews lynn06 at msn dot com FUSNVurl
Gastonia Gaston Galaxy Volleyball Club12-17 femaleindoor/beachToddSloan todd.sloan at gastongalaxy dot com GALXYurl
Creedmoor Granville Volleyball Club14 17 femaleindoorFredCollier, Jr. vbcoach817 at gmail dot com GRANVurl
Cameron H2 Volleyball11-14 femaleindoorTaraHartman h2volleyballnc at gmail dot com HTWOVurl
Salisbury High Rock Volleyball12-18 female/maleindoorJulee SuzanneMichael jsmichael33 at hotmail dot com HROCKurl
Laurinburg Highland Volleyball ClubfemaleindoorErinHoover eringhoover34 at gmail dot com HILND
Greensboro Hurricane Volleyball Club14 15 18 femaleindoorHannahGriffin admin at canesvbc dot com HRRCNurl
Statesville I.C. Stars12 14 15 femaleindoorMarkMedich mmedich at icstarsvb dot org ICSTRurl
Durham Jammers Volleyball Club-CR12-18 femaleindoorMichaelHodge mdread42 at gmail dot com JAMMRurl
Clayton Joco Volleyball Club12-17 femaleindoorWarrenPhillips jocovolleyball at gmail dot com JOCOVurl
Zebulon Jump City Jaguars Volleyball Club14-16 femaleindoorKristyPuryear johnstoncountyjaguars at gmail dot com JCJAGurl
Franklinton Kairos Volleyball Club12 13 16 18 femaleindoorDanielleCoburn coburns1105 at gmail dot com KAIRO
Mooresville LKN Volleyball Club13 female/maleindoor/beachAlArrington al.arrington at lknvolleyball dot com LNVBCurl
Sanford Lee County Slammers Volleyball Club12 15-17 femaleindoorDavidDubuc lcvcslammers at gmail dot com LEESLurl
Concord Level Up VBCfemale/maleindoorAmandaAllison info at levelupsportsperformance dot com LVLUPurl
Fayetteville MFIB SpartansfemaleindoorMichaelGales info at mfib dot org MFIBSurl
Huntersville MTXE Juniors Volleyball ClubfemaleindoorTimothyNohr tnohr at rackroom dot com MTXEJ
Archdale Market City Volleyball Club12-18 femaleindoor/beachKennyMcCoy kenny.mccoy at odfl dot com LAVBC
Lansing Mountain Crusaders Athletic Association13 17 femaleindoorJessicaCrosby mtncrusaders23 at gmail dot com MTNCR
Waynesville Mountain Volleyball ClubfemaleindoorReganWyatt mtnvolleyballclub at gmail dot com MTNVB
Wilmington NC Coastal VBC12-18 female/maleindoorStephenMcKeon gardenconcepts at ec.rr dot com NCCSTurl
Henderson NC Dominators Volleyball Club16 femaleindoorDarlynnOxendine oxendine at nc.rr dot com TRICO
Raleigh NC Elite Volleyball Club13-16 18 femaleindoorSandraMerkel director at ncelitevb dot org NELTBurl
Weddington NC Gold Volleyball Academy14-18 femaleindoorJaciLeitgeb ncgoldvolleyballacademy at gmail dot com NCGLDurl
Coats NC Intensity Volleyball Club12-17 femaleindoorWendySimmons ncintensityvbc at gmail dot com NCINTurl
Greensboro NC Power & Sand Volleyball Club14 16 18 female/maleindoor/beachPanechayHunt ncpowersandvbc at gmail dot com NCPWRurl
Durham NC Volleyball Academy11-18 femaleindoorAndyCheng andy at ncacademyvb dot org NCVBAurl
Yadkinville Next Level Volleyball Academy12-14 17 femaleindoorRosaLovejoy rosaglovejoy at gmail dot com NXTLV
Lumberton North Carolina Robeson VBCfemaleindoorTannerSmith tanner_smith_99 at yahoo dot com ROBSNurl
Roxboro North Durham Volleyball Club18 maleindoorSarahClayton northdurhamvolleyball at gmail dot com NDRHMurl
Hays North East Volleyball ClubfemaleindoorAaronMyers northeastvc at gmail dot com NEVBC
Hendersonville North Valley Volleyball Club14 17 female/maleindoorSueMoon semoon at hcpsnc dot org NVLLY
Oak Island OKI Volleyball Club14 16 femaleindoor/beachDennisMarlow volleyoki at gmail dot com OKIVBurl
Mayodan Pannix11-14 femaleindoorLeeMitchell lmitchell at m-mrec dot org PANNXurl
Greensboro Piedmont Volleyball Club11-18 femaleindoor/beachKyleMilborn kyle.milborn at piedmontvolleyballclub dot org PIEDMurl
Fayetteville Planet Ace Volleyball Clubfemaleindoor/beachBrandonMcCormick planetacevc at gmail dot com PLACEurl
Apex Powrhaus Performance Volleyball16-18 maleindoor/beachJoshuaLanier joshua.j.lanier at gmail dot com PHAUSurl
Mooresville Precision Athletics Volleyball Club NC12-18 femaleindoorCaraMartin precisionathleticscmk at gmail dot com PRCSNurl
Randleman Providence Grove Volleyball Club16 17 femaleindoorTimothyBrown skip_4_8 at yahoo dot com PROVG
Charlotte Queen City Volleyball Academy15 18 femaleindoorCrystalRedfern cjredfern at qcva dot org QCVBAurl
Sanford REAL Sports Volleyball Club12 14-18 femaleindoor/beachDarrellBrown realsports925 at gmail dot com REALSurl
Hurdle Mills ROX Volleyball Club12-17 femaleindoorWesleyWinstead roxvolleyballclub at gmail dot com ROXVB
Raleigh Raleigh Volleyball Club12-18 female/maleindoor/beachGeorgeTsai ralvbc at gmail dot com RALVBurl
Asheboro Randolph Arsenal13 15 18 femaleindoorKeithLovings keith.lovings at yahoo dot com RNDPH
Staley Rising Pros Training15 femaleindoorLaurenOverman losborne828 at gmail dot com RISNG
China Grove Rowan County Volleyball Club12-15 17 femaleindoorHeidiShell rowancovball at gmail dot com RWNCT
Harmony STARS28 Volleyball ClubfemaleindoorAmyFann ambfann at gmail dot com STRTW
West End Sandhills Spartans Athletic Club13 14 16 femaleindoorMargueriteLewis retielewis at gmail dot com SNDSPurl
Fayetteville Sandhills Volleyball Club12-18 female/maleindoorKellyMelvin sandhillsvb at gmail dot com SANDHurl
Sanford Sanford Volleyball Club16 femaleindoorAnthonyRosser anthonyrosser74 at gmail dot com SANVB
Laurinburg Scotland Volleyball Club13 14 17 18 femaleindoorNikkiLuquer scotlandvolleyballclub at gmail dot com SCTVB
Sylva Smoky Mountain Blitz15 femaleindoorPamPrice smokymountainblitzvball at gmail dot com SMYBL
Hertford Sound Beach Volleyball Clubfemale/malebeachMalorieStockwell coachstockwell at gmail dot com SNDVB
Indian Trail South Eastern Volleyball Academy12-18 female/maleindoor/beachKatiePressley katie.pressley at carolinacourts dot com SEVBAurl
Nashville Southern Chaos Volleyball Club15 17 femaleindoorToddBrewer tab0121 at hotmail dot com SCHAO
Cary Southern Sand Volleyball Clubfemale/malebeachMarkNalevanko mark at southernsandvolleyball dot org SSANDurl
Albemarle Stanly County Volleyball Club14-17 femaleindoorJamesMarshall marshall_1 at windstream dot net STEXTurl
Charlotte Strand Beach Academyfemale/malebeachJohnSutton john at sutcap dot com STRND
Mount Airy Surry Peak Performance Volleyball Club12-18 femaleindoorKaylaBowers sp2volleyballclub at gmail dot com SRYPP
Kannapolis T.W.A.N.G Lady Bulls Volleyball ClubfemaleindoorJamesMoore t.w.a.n.g.ladybulls at gmail dot com TWANG
Prospect Hill TAP Volleyball16 femaleindoorChristaBadstein coach.badstein at gmail dot com TAPVB
Sanford TMG Volleyball ClubfemaleindoorAnyaKeller tmgvc22 at gmail dot com TMGVB
Davidson The Lake Volleyball Club16 femaleindoorBobBoyle tlvcwaves at gmail dot com LAKEVurl
Kinston Top Caliber Volleyball Club12-18 femaleindoor/beachDanielWaters topcalibervolleyball at gmail dot com TCLBRurl
High Point Tri-City Eaglesfemale/maleindoorLarryAtil larry at atilfoto dot com TRCTY
High Point Triad Elite Volleyball Club15 16 18 femaleindoorGeorgetteCrawford-Crooks gcrawfordcrooks at gmail dot com TRDELurl
Bermuda Run Triad United Volleyball Academy12-18 female/maleindoorKevinDaniels triadunitedva at gmail dot com TRDUNurl
Morrisville Triangle Volleyball Club11-18 female/maleindoorSherryFadool sherry.fadool at trianglevolleyball dot org TRNGLurl
Burlington Volleyballer Academy13 14 femaleindoorJocelynDrye jocelyn.drye at volleyballertrainingacademy dot com VBLLRurl
Chapel Hill White Cross Elite JVC12-18 female/maleindoorDavidElkins sdelkins at email.unc dot edu WHTCRurl
Winston-Salem Wildcat Volleyball AcademyfemaleindoorJordanStevens jordancstevens7 at gmail dot com WLDCT
Purlear Wilkes County Aces Volleyball Club13-18 femaleindoorChristopherMintz wilkescountyaces at gmail dot com WILKEurl
Wilson Wilson Elite Volleyball Club14-16 femaleindoorLydieSilverthorne lydiedz1981 at gmail dot com WLSNEurl
Mills River Xcel Volleyball Performance12-18 female/maleindoorRickMoore lindsey at xcelsportsplex dot com XCELPurl
Norwood Yadkin Select Volleyball Club13-16 femaleindoorThomasGray tomfgray89 at gmail dot com YDKIN
Asheboro Zoo City Volleyball Club11-17 femaleindoor/beachOwenGeorge ogeorge at dot us ZOOVB

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