Point Standings for JO-15
Details for DOVE 15 White
- Initial points: 2000
- 2009-01-10
- 2 - 0 vs. Alamance Force 15's - FJ5ALFRC1CR [1900.00] 2000.00 => 2023.00
- 2 - 1 vs. Cape Fear Rage - FJ5CAPEF1CR [1902.00] 2023.00 => 2023.00
- 2 - 0 vs. CHAVC Kaepa Yellowjackets - FJ5CHAVB1CR [1852.00] 2023.00 => 2040.00
- Contributed 5.09 playoff points => 2034.91
- Lost to DCVA Griffins [1920.91] in Quarter-Finals
- 2009-01-24
- 2 - 0 vs. LNVB 15 White - FJ5LNVBC2CR [1740.91] 2034.91 => 2043.91
- 1 - 2 vs. Set Point 15 Black - FJ5SETPT1CR [1936.91] 2043.91 => 2013.91
- 2 - 0 vs. Carolina Rise 15 - FJ5CRISE1CR [1781.00] 2013.91 => 2026.91
- 2 - 0 vs. Club Red - 15 White - FJ5CLBRD2CR [1704.91] 2026.91 => 2034.91
- 2 - 0 vs. DCVA Griffins - FJ5DCVAL1CR [1956.91] 2034.91 => 2058.91
- Contributed 5.19 playoff points => 2053.72
- Lost to Cape Fear Rage [1967.72] in Semi-Finals
- 2009-02-07
- 2 - 0 vs. CHAVC Kaepa Yellowjackets - FJ5CHAVB1CR [1829.91] 2053.72 => 2066.72
- 2 - 0 vs. CCVC Reinas - FJ5CCVBC3CR [1958.91] 2066.72 => 2088.72
- 2 - 0 vs. Sports Academy Fire Storm - FJ5SPTAC2CR [1837.72] 2088.72 => 2100.72
- Contributed 4.44 playoff points => 2096.28
- Defeated Set Point 15 Black [2003.28] in Semi-Finals gained 11.00 points => 2107.28
- Defeated UVC Heat [2010.48] in Finals gained 11.00 points => 2118.28
- 2009-02-21
- 1 - 2 vs. UVC Heat - FJ5UNION1CR [2010.48] 2118.28 => 2088.28
- 1 - 2 vs. CJV 15 Ice - FJ5CJVVB1CR [2055.48] 2088.28 => 2067.28
- 2 - 0 vs. LNVB Black-out - FJ5LNVBC1CR [2197.91] 2067.28 => 2110.28
- Contributed 5.26 playoff points => 2105.02
- 2009-03-07
- 0 - 2 vs. I.C. Stars 15-1 - FJ5ICSTR1CR [2141.21] 2105.02 => 2077.02
- 0 - 2 vs. UVC Heat - FJ5UNION1CR [2025.21] 2077.02 => 2041.02
- 2 - 0 vs. Triangle 15 White - FJ5TRNGL3CR [1985.21] 2041.02 => 2067.02
- Contributed 5.77 playoff points => 2061.25
- 2009-03-28
- 0 - 2 vs. CCVC Blackout - FJ5CCVBC1CR [2175.45] 2061.25 => 2040.25
- 0 - 2 vs. Triangle 15 Blue - FJ5TRNGL2CR [2268.71] 2040.25 => 2027.25
- 0 - 2 vs. CJV 15 Ice - FJ5CJVVB1CR [2058.21] 2027.25 => 1998.25
- Contributed 4.93 playoff points => 1993.32
- 2009-04-18
- Final points: 1993.32