Point Standings for JO-13
Details for AFVC 13-1
- Initial points: 1600
- 2011-01-08
- 0 - 2 vs. Crossroads 13 - FJ3CROSS1CR [2100.00] 1600.00 => 1597.00
- 0 - 2 vs. Lake Norman 13 Red - FJ3LNVBC1CR [1879.00] 1597.00 => 1587.00
- 0 - 2 vs. Carolina Select 13 Blue - FJ3CSLCT2CR [2011.00] 1587.00 => 1582.00
- 0 - 2 vs. Set Point 13 Gold - FJ3SETPT2CR [1786.00] 1582.00 => 1567.00
- Contributed 3.92 playoff points => 1563.08
- 2011-01-22
- 0 - 2 vs. Champion 13 - FJ3CHMPV1CR [1773.00] 1563.08 => 1549.08
- 0 - 2 vs. AVC-Black Ice 13's Green - FJ3ALGHY1CR [1832.08] 1549.08 => 1539.08
- 0 - 2 vs. Carolina Storm 13 Blue - FJ3STORM1CR [1888.08] 1539.08 => 1532.08
- 0 - 2 vs. Proehlific Power 13 - FJ3PROPW1CR [1548.08] 1532.08 => 1502.08
- Contributed 5.18 playoff points => 1496.90
- 2011-02-05
- 0 - 2 vs. AVC-Black Ice 13's Gold - FJ3ALGHY2CR [1695.90] 1496.90 => 1481.90
- 2 - 1 vs. DOVE 13 - FJ3DOVEJ1CR [1523.90] 1481.90 => 1502.90
- 2 - 1 vs. HAVC - Bombs - FJ3HAVBC1CR [1417.90] 1502.90 => 1507.90
- Contributed 5.05 playoff points => 1502.85
- Lost to TCV 13 Killers [1649.85] in Semi-Finals
- 2011-02-19
- 2 - 0 vs. NCDVC - 13's - FJ3TRICO2CR [1402.85] 1502.85 => 1525.85
- 0 - 2 vs. TSVC Blue Crushers - FJ3TRSPK1CR [1468.85] 1525.85 => 1488.85
- 1 - 2 vs. Set Point 13 Gold - FJ3SETPT2CR [1626.85] 1488.85 => 1491.85
- Contributed 5.31 playoff points => 1486.53
- 2011-03-12
- 2 - 0 vs. Pannix 13 - FJ3PANNX1CR [1400.53] 1486.53 => 1510.53
- 0 - 2 vs. TSVC Blue Crushers - FJ3TRSPK1CR [1519.53] 1510.53 => 1479.53
- 0 - 2 vs. Stanly Extreme 13 - FJ3STEXT1CR [1682.53] 1479.53 => 1464.53
- Contributed 5.23 playoff points => 1459.30
- 2011-03-26
- 1 - 2 vs. Proehlific Power 13 - FJ3PROPW1CR [1648.30] 1459.30 => 1466.30
- 2 - 0 vs. NCDVC - 13's - FJ3TRICO2CR [1431.30] 1466.30 => 1494.30
- 0 - 2 vs. Set Point 13 Gold - FJ3SETPT2CR [1570.30] 1494.30 => 1469.30
- 0 - 2 vs. TSVC Blue Crushers - FJ3TRSPK1CR [1476.30] 1469.30 => 1438.30
- Contributed 6.27 playoff points => 1432.02
- Lost to Pannix 13 [1483.02] in Quarter-Finals
- Final points: 1432.02