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Directory of JO-16 Teams

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Teams in the current division (JO-16) for this season are listed below sorted by city. The email addresses for the team reps have been altered to avoid spam harvesters, so you will have to type them in to your email program.

Team Name City Captain Email Team Code
WNC Warriors (15's) FJ5WNCVB1CR
Stampede Pink (15's) FJ5STMPD1CR
NC Challengers 15 Blue (15's) FJ5NCCHL1CR
Davie Dazzle 16's Advance Laura Williard lcwilliard at yahoo dot com FJ6DDZZL1CR
Stanly Extreme Albemarle Sharon Fraley sharonfraley at hotmail dot com FJ6STEXT1CR
CCVC Serves U Right Apex Barbara Williams ibewilliams at aol dot com FJ6CCVBC2CR
TCV Ballas Asheboro Audrey Gore gorea at triad.rr dot com FJ6TRCVB1CR
TCV Shakers Asheboro Tony Joyce tjoyceump2 at hotmail dot com FJ6TRCVB2CR
CCAVA Spikers Asheboro Clark Bell clarkbell at triad.rr dot com FJ6CCAVA1CR
Biltmore 16 Asheville Jennifer Peterson jmbpeterson at charter dot net FJ6BILTM1CR
Alamance Force 16's Burlington Linda Osterman linda_osterman at dot us FJ6ALFRC1CR
Cary Y Spikeforce 16 Cary Jayne Hindman jhindman at nc.rr dot com FJ7CRYSP1CR
LNVB-Lightning Charlotte Lisa Cunningham ocunningham at carolina.rr dot com FJ6LNVBC1CR
Carolina Storm 16's Charlotte Anthony Lowe aclowe01 at aol dot com FJ6STORM1CR
CJV Fusion Charlotte Karen Bradbury kbradbury at carolina.rr dot com FJ6CJVVB1CR
CJV Pink Panthers Charlotte Bret Wilson bdubspele at hotmail dot com FJ6CJVVB2CR
CJV Carolina Blue Charlotte Kristen Hullinger jkbhullinger at yahoo dot com FJ6CJVVB3CR
CHAC-Durham Lady Panthers Durham Tom Droege tldroege at mindspring dot com FJ6CHAVB1CR
DOVE 16 Blue Durham Brooke Robinson asumonkeygirl at yahoo dot com FJ6DOVEJ2CR
Jammers 16s Blue Durham Steven Barnes uchoose at hotmail dot com FJ6JAMMR1CR
Pannix Red Eden Ed Jones JONES.ED at MBCO dot COM FJ6PANNX2CR
Lady Crusaders Elizabethtown Angie Wachter awachter2000 at hotmail dot com FJ6LDYCR1CR
HAVC - Heat Erwin Wendy Gaines wgaines at dot us FJ6HAVBC1CR
FAVA Storm Fayetteville Carmen Hume volleytwins at netzero dot com FJ6FAVBA1CR
Gaston Gold Diggers 16 Gastonia Janice James jamesjnmrk at aol dot com FJ6GASTN1CR
PTVC 16 Mizuno Greensboro Panechay Hunt pth75 at triad.rr dot com FJ6PDTRD1CR
PTVC 16 SportsPlex Greensboro Valosha Odom missodom at hotmail dot com FJ6PDTRD2CR
PTVC 16 Molten Greensboro Amy Lee Drawnbystrz440 at aol dot com FJ6PDTRD3CR
VC Vipers 16 Henderson Howard Hughes hahhughes at yahoo dot com FJ6VCJVB1CR
WNC Lady Flight Hendersonville Mike Pace thepacefamily at caddsgn dot com FJ6WNCVB1CR
WNC 16's Hendersonville Tina McCarthy tmacenfuego at bellsouth dot net FJ6WNCVB2CR
S*M*A*S*H High Point Mary Martin nmsmmartin83 at aol dot com FJ6SMASH1CR
NC Challengers 16 White Holly Springs Scott Crisco scrisco at cisco dot com FJ6NCCHL2CR
Hendersonville YMCA Spikers Horse Shoe Anne Marie Scherbarth amborn2mom at hotmail dot com FJ6HYMCA1CR
DCVA Pixies Lexington Tommy Wilson twilson at descoinc dot com FJ6DCVAL1CR
DCVA Amazons Lexington Heather Chocklett hchocklett at dot us FJ6DCVAL2CR
Bunn Hurricanes Louisburg Timothy Edwards tedwards at dot us FJ6BUNNV1CR
SCVC Aces Madison Dana Payne dpayne at wfubmc dot edu FJ6STKES1CR
Pannix 16 Mayodan Stan Medlin Stan_Medlin at vfc dot com FJ6PANNX1CR
RCV Intimidators Mooresville Alison Harvey kampharvey at windstream dot net FJ6RACEC1CR
Triangle 16 Black Morrisville Casey Caram caseycaram at hotmail dot com FJ6TRNGL1CR
Triangle 16 Blue Morrisville Sarah Dillon dillon at trianglevolleyball dot org FJ6TRNGL2CR
Foothills Blue Thunder Mt. Airy Chad Beasley cbeasley at dot us FJ6FOOTH1CR
New Bern Lightning New Bern David Cox dragon002 at cox dot net FJ6NWBRN1CR
NC Challengers 16 Blue Raleigh Gary De James gndnc at earthlink dot net FJ6NCCHL1CR
Johnston County Heat Raleigh Charles Riley charlesriley at dot us FJ6JSTNC1CR
CCVC ZumerZ Raleigh Pam Rouse hrouse at bellsouth dot net FJ6CCVBC1CR
CCVC Storm Raleigh Debbie Gaffney debsg0604 at yahoo dot com FJ6CCVBC3CR
Foothills DIVA Ice Roaring River Heather Kipp sugababie8923 at hotmail dot com FJ6FDIVA1CR
DOVE 16 White Rougemont Christin Heverly CJHeverl at uncg dot edu FJ6DOVEJ1CR
Tri-City Twisters 16 Rutherfordton Donna Cobb Cobb.donna at cha.sysco dot com FJ6TCITY1CR
Players Edge 16-1 Salisbury Melissa Speaks melspann at yahoo dot com FJ6PLYED1CR
Brick City Wildfirez Sanford Anne Bost abost at transmatic dot com FJ6BCVBC1CR
Moore Kills Southern Pines Terry Davis tsd1950sp at yahoo dot com FJ7MOORK1CR
I.C. Stars 16 Statesville Mark Medich mmedich at adelphia dot net FJ6ICSTR1CR
Sports Academy Thunder Storm Statesville Cassie Byrd cbyrd at averett dot edu FJ6SPTAC1CR
Lake Country Storm 16 Warrenton John Jessup britpoythress at yahoo dot com FJ6LAKEC1CR
Cape Fear Force Wilmington Samantha Moser SamanthaMoser8 at hotmail dot com FJ6CAPEF1CR
Cape Fear Challengers Wilmington Amy Steelman asteelma at dot us FJ6CAPEF2CR
Lady Pilots Wilson Art Finch afinch at unifirst dot com FJ6LADYP1CR
BTVC 16's Windsor Barbara Hill bhill at tycomail dot com FJ6BTVBC1CR
Piedmont South Wildcats 16 Winston-Salem Katie Moore katmo125 at hotmail dot com FJ6PSWLD1CR
PTVC Triad 16's Winston-Salem Megan Ratley ratlmel6 at salem dot edu FJ6PDTRD4CR
ECJVC Purple Rage Winterville Penny Fulcher pbfulcher at hotmail dot com FJ6ECJVC1CR
YVVC Magic Yadkinville Sheila Weathers fssp at yadtel dot net FJ6YVVBC1CR
JIMS Youngsville Valerie Weston vmw31965 at earthlink dot net FJ6PJIMS1CR
AAVC 16 Zionville Brittany Sargent brittany_m3r at yahoo dot com FJ6APPAV1CR