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Directory of JO-17 Teams

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Teams in the current division (JO-17) for this season are listed below sorted by city. The email addresses for the team reps have been altered to avoid spam harvesters, so you will have to type them in to your email program.

Team Name City Captain Email Team Code
Stanly Extreme Red Albemarle Barrett Eatman beatman at ctc dot net FJ7STEXT1CR
Stanly Extreme Blue Albemarle Sharon Fraley sharonfraley at hotmail dot com F7STEXT2CR
TCV Crazy Cucarachas Asheboro Joseph Hobson joeairbal at aol dot com FJ7TRCVB1CR
Biltmore 17 White Asheville Rhesa Grady rhesag7 at yahoo dot com FJ7BILTM2CR
WNC 17's Asheville Emily Zayatz emily.zayatz at gmail dot com FJ7WNCVB1CR
AAVC 17 Banner Elk Kathryn Coleman katy_nr8 at yahoo dot com FJ7APPAV1CR
Alamance Xtreme Burlington Amber Gerlach jgerlach2 at triad.rr dot com FJ7AXTRM1CR
Enka Sugar Jets 17 Candler Ronald Gentry rgentry1417 at msn dot com FJ7ENKAJ1CR
Cary YMCA Spikeforce 17's Cary Jayne Hindman jhindman at nc.rr dot com FJ7CRYSP1CR
CCVC Lady Rebels Cary Theresa Watson junkymonkey at nc.rr dot com FJ7CCVBC1CR
CHAVC Kaepa Crush Chapel Hill Jenna Passman jennabu17 at hotmail dot com FJ7CHAVB1CR
CJV Sparks Charlotte Amy Lewis amy at ciarlafitness dot com FJ7CJVVB1CR
Spartan Cyclones Clinton Mike Brummett brummett at intrstar dot net FJ7SPCYC1CR
HAVC Flames Dunn Sara Yeatman saravball13 at hotmail dot com FJ7HAVBC1CR
Jammers 17s Blue Durham Steven Barnes uchoose at hotmail dot com FJ7JAMMR1CR
Morehead Eden Renee Sexton crsexton at uncg dot edu FJ7MOREH1CR
Lady Crusaders Elizabethtown Angie Wachter awachter2000 at hotmail dot com FJ7LDYCR1CR
FAVA Lightning Fayetteville Charles Donnell cdonnell at mckimcreed dot com FJ7FAVBA1CR
Central Crush Blue Forest City Jamie Hutchins JamieHutchins04 at aol dot com FJ7CENCR1CR
FVAA Orange Crush Fuquay Varina Lisa Yelmini soccermomlisa at nc.rr dot com FJ7FVORC1CR
PTVC Piedmont 17's Greensboro Bill Carter blackman_carter at alltel dot net FJ7PDTRD1CR
PTVC Mizuno 17Z Greensboro Hilary Overby HAOverby at uncg dot edu FJ7PDTRD2CR
PTVC Mizuno 17R Greensboro Gretchen Krumdieck gkrumdieck at yahoo dot com FJ7PDTRD3CR
VC Vipers 17 Henderson Howard Hughes hahhughes at yahoo dot com FJ7VCJVB1CR
NC Dominators 17 Thunder Henderson Randy Oxendine oxendine at nc.rr dot com FJ7TRICO1CR
Lake Country 17 Henderson Freddie Oettinger minimistymay13 at yahoo dot com FJ7LAKEC1CR
Biltmore 17 Black Hendersonville Paul Stanley stan6800 at bellsouth dot net FJ7BILTM1CR
DCVA Slammers High Point Heather Chocklett hchocklett at dot us FJ7DCVAL2CR
UVC Fierce Indian Trial James Zorn james.zorn at dot us FJ7UNION1CR
Makai Wahines 17's Jacksonville Tatiana Sablan t_afalava at yahoo dot com FJ7MAKAI1CR
TCV Cobras Jamestown Sabrina Johnson shjohnson at gtcc dot edu FJ7TRCVB3CR
Carolina Storm 17-1 Kannapolis Wendy Raffaldt wraffald at dot us FJ7STORM1CR
LNVB Nightmare Kannapolis Floyd Prophet fprophet17 at gmail dot com FJ7LNVBC1CR
Scotland Spikers I Laurinburg Raymond Dean rayeddean at hotmail dot com FJ7SCOTL1CR
DCVA Griffins Lexington Teresa Everhart t_everhart_osg at yahoo dot com FJ7DCVAL1CR
Bunn Hurricanes 17 Louisburg Timothy Edwards tedwards at franklincountync dot us FJ7BUNNV1CR
Davie Dazzle 17's Mocksville Becky Miller millerb at dot us FJ7DDZZL1CR
UVC Cobras Monroe Carrie Powell Carrie.Powell at dot us FJ7UNION2CR
Race City Intimidators Mooresville Donna Byrnes donnabyrnes at adelphia dot net FJ7RACEC1CR
Triangle 17 Black Morrisville Jim Freeman jtfreeman66 at Yahoo dot com FJ7TRNGL1CR
Triangle 17 Blue Morrisville Leslie Crandell Dawes lcdawes at gmail dot com FJ7TRNGL2CR
Gaston Golddiggers 17's Mount Holly Janice James jamesjnmrk at aol dot com FJ7GASTN1CR
MCVC Southern Spikers Mt. Gilead Anne Evans anneoevans at yahoo dot com FJ7MCVCS1CR
Twin Rivers Aces New Bern Rob Atencio rob.atencio at embarqmail dot com FJ7TWRIV1CR
AVC-Black Ice Piney Creek Stephanie Newman srpn2001 at yahoo dot com FJ7ALGHY1CR
NC Elite 17 Open Raleigh Gary De James gndnc at earthlink dot net FJ7NELTB1CR
NC Challengers 17 National Raleigh Sam Shamseldin shamseld at yahoo dot com FJ7NCCHL1CR
CCVC Jammerz Raleigh Stephanie Schuller daydream at nc.rr dot com FJ7CCVBC2CR
TCV Yugos Randleman Joyce Wolford theboss at jerrywolford dot com FJ7TRCVB2CR
Tri-City Twisters 17 Rutherfordton Terry Cobb terryc at townofforestcity dot com FJ7TCITY1CR
Rowan 17 Salisbury Tricia Hester hesterta at dot us FJ7ROWAN1CR
Player's Edge 17-1 Salisbury Jon Symons statechamp03_04 at yahoo dot com FJ7PLYED1CR
Player's Edge 17-2 Salisbury Cristyn Harrison volgirl26 at hotmail dot com FJ7PLYED2CR
Brick City Blaze Sanford Catherine Hockenberry cathyberry at alltel dot net FJ7BCVBC1CR
Deep River Tigers Sophia Tina Hussey tih11 at northstate dot net FJ7DPTGR1CR
Moore Set to Kill Southern Pines Terry Davis tsd1950sp at yahoo dot com FJ7MSTKL1CR
I.C. Stars 17 Statesville Mark Medich mmedich at charlotte.twcbc dot com FJ7ICSTR1CR
Pannix 17 Black Stokesdale Erin Ellis egellis at hotmail dot com FJ7PANNX1CR
Pannix 17 Purple Stokesdale Stephanie Flynt Stephwildthang3 at yahoo dot com FJ7PANNX2CR
Alexander A's 17 Taylorsville Gary Jolly GJOLLY at MACKMOLDING dot COM FJ7ALEXA1CR
Jacksonville Cyclones Trentwoods Freddie Jordan, Jr denzelseven2003 at yahoo dot com FJ7JACKS1CR
Alamance Force 17 Whitsett Tina Readling treadling at alamancechristianschool dot org FJ7ALFRC1CR
Cape Fear Riptide Wilmington Elizabeth Bonfanti elizabethbonfanti at yahoo dot com FJ7CAPEF1CR
Piedmont Panthers Winston-Salem Ashley Stankwytch amstankwytch at yahoo dot com FJ7PPNTH1CR
Piedmont South Wildcats Winston-Salem Frank Ancona frankancona at triad.rr dot com FJ7PSWLD1CR
ECJVC 17-1 Winterville Carol Vann cgvann at aol dot com FJ7ECJVC1CR
Phantoms Winterville Caroline Brown CindiBranchBrown at hotmail dot com FJ7PHNTM1CR