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1/15/11 Tournament (JO-18)

Tournament results have been approved

Results for Gold

Gold Pool 1

  • Match 1: BVA 18 National (FJ8BILTM1CR) defeated Carolina Storm 18 Black (FJ8STORM1CR) 2-0
  • Match 2: Caswell Crush (FJ8CASWL1CR) defeated Bridge WNC 18 Red (FJ8BRIDG2CR) 2-0
  • Match 3: BVA 18 National (FJ8BILTM1CR) defeated Bridge WNC 18 Red (FJ8BRIDG2CR) 2-0
  • Match 4: Caswell Crush (FJ8CASWL1CR) lost to Carolina Storm 18 Black (FJ8STORM1CR) 1-2
  • Match 5: Carolina Storm 18 Black (FJ8STORM1CR) defeated Bridge WNC 18 Red (FJ8BRIDG2CR) 2-0
  • Match 6: BVA 18 National (FJ8BILTM1CR) lost to Caswell Crush (FJ8CASWL1CR) 1-2

Gold Pool 1

# Teams Record Finish Match Team-A Wins-A Team-B Wins-B
1 BVA 18 National 5-2 N 1 1 2 3 0
2 Caswell Crush 5-3 N 2 2 2 4 0
3 Carolina Storm 18 Black 4-3 N 3 1 2 4 0
4 Bridge WNC 18 Red 0-6 N 4 2 1 3 2
5 3 2 4 0
6 1 1 2 2

Gold Pool 2

  • Match 1: CPVC 18's (FJ8COAST1CR) defeated Bridge WNC 18 Black (FJ8BRIDG1CR) 2-0
  • Match 2: SportsPlex 18 (FJ8SPLEX1CR) lost to OCVC Elite 18 (FJ8ONSLW1CR) 1-2
  • Match 3: CPVC 18's (FJ8COAST1CR) defeated OCVC Elite 18 (FJ8ONSLW1CR) 2-0
  • Match 4: SportsPlex 18 (FJ8SPLEX1CR) defeated Bridge WNC 18 Black (FJ8BRIDG1CR) 2-1
  • Match 5: Bridge WNC 18 Black (FJ8BRIDG1CR) defeated OCVC Elite 18 (FJ8ONSLW1CR) 2-0
  • Match 6: CPVC 18's (FJ8COAST1CR) defeated SportsPlex 18 (FJ8SPLEX1CR) 2-0

Gold Pool 2

# Teams Record Finish Match Team-A Wins-A Team-B Wins-B
1 CPVC 18's 6-0 N 1 1 2 3 0
2 SportsPlex 18 3-5 N 2 2 1 4 2
3 Bridge WNC 18 Black 3-4 N 3 1 2 4 0
4 OCVC Elite 18 2-5 N 4 2 2 3 1
5 3 2 4 0
6 1 2 2 0

Gold Playoffs

Semi-Finals: BVA 18 National (FJ8BILTM1CR) defeats Bridge WNC 18 Black (FJ8BRIDG1CR) 2-1 [scores: 25-10, 22-25, 15-9]
Semi-Finals: CPVC 18's (FJ8COAST1CR) defeats Caswell Crush (FJ8CASWL1CR) 2-0 [scores: 25-13, 25-20]
Finals: CPVC 18's (FJ8COAST1CR) defeats BVA 18 National (FJ8BILTM1CR) 2-0 [scores: 25-18, 25-21]

Results for Silver

Silver Pool 1

  • Match 1: Stanly Extreme 18 (FJ8STEXT1CR) defeated Caswell Aces (FJ8CASWL2CR) 2-0
  • Match 2: HAVC - Inferno (FJ8HAVBC1CR) defeated Champion 18-2 (FJ8CHMPV2CR) 2-0
  • Match 3: Stanly Extreme 18 (FJ8STEXT1CR) defeated BVA 18 White (FJ8BILTM2CR) 2-0
  • Match 4: Caswell Aces (FJ8CASWL2CR) lost to HAVC - Inferno (FJ8HAVBC1CR) 0-2
  • Match 5: Champion 18-2 (FJ8CHMPV2CR) defeated BVA 18 White (FJ8BILTM2CR) 2-0
  • Match 6: Stanly Extreme 18 (FJ8STEXT1CR) tied HAVC - Inferno (FJ8HAVBC1CR) 1-1
  • Match 7: Caswell Aces (FJ8CASWL2CR) defeated BVA 18 White (FJ8BILTM2CR) 2-0
  • Match 8: Stanly Extreme 18 (FJ8STEXT1CR) defeated Champion 18-2 (FJ8CHMPV2CR) 2-0
  • Match 9: HAVC - Inferno (FJ8HAVBC1CR) tied BVA 18 White (FJ8BILTM2CR) 1-1
  • Match 10: Caswell Aces (FJ8CASWL2CR) lost to Champion 18-2 (FJ8CHMPV2CR) 0-2

Silver Pool 1

# Teams Record Finish Match Team-A Wins-A Team-B Wins-B
1 Stanly Extreme 18 7-1 N 1 1 2 2 0
2 Caswell Aces 2-6 N 2 3 2 4 0
3 HAVC - Inferno 6-2 N 3 1 2 5 0
4 Champion 18-2 4-4 N 4 2 0 3 2
5 BVA 18 White 1-7 N 5 4 2 5 0
6 1 1 3 1
7 2 2 5 0
8 1 2 4 0
9 3 1 5 1
10 2 0 4 2

Silver Pool 2

  • Match 1: Alexander Aces 18 (FJ8ALEXA1CR) tied Pannix 18 (FJ8PANNX1CR) 1-1
  • Match 2: WAVE 18 (FJ8WAVVB1CR) defeated Champion 18-1 (FJ8CHMPV1CR) 2-0
  • Match 3: Alexander Aces 18 (FJ8ALEXA1CR) defeated Forest City Smash (FJ8FCITY1CR) 2-0
  • Match 4: Pannix 18 (FJ8PANNX1CR) lost to WAVE 18 (FJ8WAVVB1CR) 0-2
  • Match 5: Champion 18-1 (FJ8CHMPV1CR) tied Forest City Smash (FJ8FCITY1CR) 1-1
  • Match 6: Alexander Aces 18 (FJ8ALEXA1CR) tied WAVE 18 (FJ8WAVVB1CR) 1-1
  • Match 7: Pannix 18 (FJ8PANNX1CR) tied Forest City Smash (FJ8FCITY1CR) 1-1
  • Match 8: Alexander Aces 18 (FJ8ALEXA1CR) tied Champion 18-1 (FJ8CHMPV1CR) 1-1
  • Match 9: WAVE 18 (FJ8WAVVB1CR) defeated Forest City Smash (FJ8FCITY1CR) 2-0
  • Match 10: Pannix 18 (FJ8PANNX1CR) defeated Champion 18-1 (FJ8CHMPV1CR) 2-0

Silver Pool 2

# Teams Record Finish Match Team-A Wins-A Team-B Wins-B
1 Alexander Aces 18 5-3 N 1 1 1 2 1
2 Pannix 18 4-4 N 2 3 2 4 0
3 WAVE 18 7-1 N 3 1 2 5 0
4 Champion 18-1 2-6 N 4 2 0 3 2
5 Forest City Smash 2-6 N 5 4 1 5 1
6 1 1 3 1
7 2 1 5 1
8 1 1 4 1
9 3 2 5 0
10 2 2 4 0

Silver Playoffs

Semi-Finals: Stanly Extreme 18 (FJ8STEXT1CR) defeats Alexander Aces 18 (FJ8ALEXA1CR) 2-0 [scores: 25-10, 25-10]
Semi-Finals: HAVC - Inferno (FJ8HAVBC1CR) defeats WAVE 18 (FJ8WAVVB1CR) 2-1 [scores: 25-18, 15-25, 15-10]
Finals: Stanly Extreme 18 (FJ8STEXT1CR) defeats HAVC - Inferno (FJ8HAVBC1CR) 2-0 [scores: 25-12, 25-22]

Results for Bronze

Bronze Pool 1

  • Match 1: KVC-Kaos 18 (FJ8KERNV1CR) defeated SSVC 18 - Mt. Airy (FJ8SURRY1CR) 2-0
  • Match 2: RM Block Party (FJ8RMJRS1CR) lost to Lady Crusaders (FJ8LDYCR1CR) 0-2
  • Match 3: KVC-Kaos 18 (FJ8KERNV1CR) tied KM Gold Diggers (FJ8KMGDG1CR) 1-1
  • Match 4: SSVC 18 - Mt. Airy (FJ8SURRY1CR) lost to RM Block Party (FJ8RMJRS1CR) 0-2
  • Match 5: Lady Crusaders (FJ8LDYCR1CR) tied KM Gold Diggers (FJ8KMGDG1CR) 1-1
  • Match 6: KVC-Kaos 18 (FJ8KERNV1CR) defeated RM Block Party (FJ8RMJRS1CR) 2-0
  • Match 7: SSVC 18 - Mt. Airy (FJ8SURRY1CR) tied KM Gold Diggers (FJ8KMGDG1CR) 1-1
  • Match 8: KVC-Kaos 18 (FJ8KERNV1CR) tied Lady Crusaders (FJ8LDYCR1CR) 1-1
  • Match 9: RM Block Party (FJ8RMJRS1CR) lost to KM Gold Diggers (FJ8KMGDG1CR) 0-2
  • Match 10: SSVC 18 - Mt. Airy (FJ8SURRY1CR) tied Lady Crusaders (FJ8LDYCR1CR) 1-1

Bronze Pool 1

# Teams Record Finish Match Team-A Wins-A Team-B Wins-B
1 KVC-Kaos 18 6-2 N 1 1 2 2 0
2 SSVC 18 - Mt. Airy 2-6 N 2 3 0 4 2
3 RM Block Party 2-6 N 3 1 1 5 1
4 Lady Crusaders 5-3 N 4 2 0 3 2
5 KM Gold Diggers 5-3 N 5 4 1 5 1
6 1 2 3 0
7 2 1 5 1
8 1 1 4 1
9 3 0 5 2
10 2 1 4 1

Bronze Pool 2

  • Match 1: Chair City Vikings (FJ8CHAIR1CR) lost to NCDVC - 18's (FJ8TRICO1CR) 0-2
  • Match 2: GVBC 18 (FJ8GASTN1CR) defeated YVVC Hope for a Cure (FJ8YVVBC1CR) 2-0
  • Match 3: Chair City Vikings (FJ8CHAIR1CR) tied KM Gold Spikers (FJ8KMGDG2CR) 1-1
  • Match 4: NCDVC - 18's (FJ8TRICO1CR) tied GVBC 18 (FJ8GASTN1CR) 1-1
  • Match 5: YVVC Hope for a Cure (FJ8YVVBC1CR) defeated KM Gold Spikers (FJ8KMGDG2CR) 2-0
  • Match 6: Chair City Vikings (FJ8CHAIR1CR) lost to GVBC 18 (FJ8GASTN1CR) 0-2
  • Match 7: NCDVC - 18's (FJ8TRICO1CR) defeated KM Gold Spikers (FJ8KMGDG2CR) 2-0
  • Match 8: Chair City Vikings (FJ8CHAIR1CR) lost to YVVC Hope for a Cure (FJ8YVVBC1CR) 0-2
  • Match 9: GVBC 18 (FJ8GASTN1CR) defeated KM Gold Spikers (FJ8KMGDG2CR) 2-0
  • Match 10: NCDVC - 18's (FJ8TRICO1CR) defeated YVVC Hope for a Cure (FJ8YVVBC1CR) 2-0

Bronze Pool 2

# Teams Record Finish Match Team-A Wins-A Team-B Wins-B
1 Chair City Vikings 1-7 N 1 1 0 2 2
2 NCDVC - 18's 7-1 N 2 3 2 4 0
3 GVBC 18 7-1 N 3 1 1 5 1
4 YVVC Hope for a Cure 4-4 N 4 2 1 3 1
5 KM Gold Spikers 1-7 N 5 4 2 5 0
6 1 0 3 2
7 2 2 5 0
8 1 0 4 2
9 3 2 5 0
10 2 2 4 0

Bronze Playoffs

Semi-Finals: GVBC 18 (FJ8GASTN1CR) defeats KVC-Kaos 18 (FJ8KERNV1CR) 1-0 [scores: 25-23]
Semi-Finals: NCDVC - 18's (FJ8TRICO1CR) defeats KM Gold Diggers (FJ8KMGDG1CR) 1-0 [scores: 25-22]
Finals: NCDVC - 18's (FJ8TRICO1CR) defeats GVBC 18 (FJ8GASTN1CR) 2-0 [scores: 25-12, 25-23]