Tournament System News
Watch this space for Carolina Region Tournament System updates and news.
2024-2025 New Features
- The Tournament System now has .api access into the USA Volleyball Member Management System (SportsEngine). This has allowed several new updates to the front end and backend features of the Tournament System:
- New Clubs that register for the season will be pulled over automatically
- Teams will be pulled over automatically when the team is shared with the current USAV season in the Club HQ
- Rosters will be pulled over automatically when roster information is shared into the current USAV season in the Club HQ
- Individuals that are on a roster will have their data pulled into the Tournament System. Information like Member ID, credentials, and eligibility status will be available on the roster as well as to Tournament Directors to verify Club Movements.
- The Team Registration process was simplified as a result of the above .api process. Clubs only need to select a Team Rep and their starting Rankings value to process a team registration. In the past, all team information had to be typed in.
- Zelle payments now accepted by the Region. Clubs can now choose to receive their invoices through Zelle or SportsEngine. Fields updated to track the club's preference.
2023-2024 New Features
- Ability for clubs to choose 11 East and 11 West as a division for their team. 11's Tournaments will be offered if enough 11's teams register for the season and enter a particular tournament (if not, 11's teams will be combined into 12's tournaments as in past seasons).
- Team Registration emails have been updated. The Club Director will receive a confirmation email from the Tournament System when their teams have been marked as Paid and Approved. The confirmation email will include the Club's 5-letter USAV Code as well as all teams, their team codes, their division, and the initial points and quintile selected during the registration process. Club Directors will be able to double-check their registrations and notify the Region earlier if any changes need to be made.
- A new simpler Tournament Entry process was introduced this season. Club Directors are able to submit tournament entries directly into the Tournament System just by checking a box under the Tournament date they are entering for each team in the club. The Region office will then send an invoice to cover all tournament entry fees to the Club Director's SE account. Once paid, the Region will mark the entries as paid and the club director and all team reps will receive a confirmation email as they did in past seasons. Teams will need to be completely registered before tournament entries can be processed in the system. This new process is already saving clubs and the region a lot of time in the processing of tournament entries.
- Team Registration process improved. Team Creation process now requires the selection of division to reduce errors. The old process defaulted to JR-18-East and if teams skipped this step then they would be shown in wrong realm and with incorrect initial points value.
- New directory added to the INFO menu for all site visitors to the Tournament System. the SITE Directory can be used to quickly view the address for all potential tournament sites. The address can be clicked to pull it up in Google Maps. Visitors can sort the columns as needed and search at top for the site they need.
- Back-end process created to send the results of all Carolina Region one-day tournaments to be included in the USA Volleyball National Team Rankings. The results of the previous weekend's tournaments are sent to USAV on the Wednesday following the event.
- Updated email job to Team Reps and Club Directors when their team is switched to a new division during the Tournament Site Assignment process. The email now includes the Tournament Date in the notification so teams can quickly find which tournament their division was updated.
2022-2023 New Features
- The Club Directory has been updated to give more information about the programs the clubs offer. The Directory will now indicate if a club has female, male, or male and female programs. It will also indicate if they have indoor, beach, or indoor and beach programs.
- Club Directors will now receive a confirmation email when their teams are "registered" for the season (marked as paid). The confirmation email will list all teams processed with their team codes.
- Rosters sent to Tournament Directors will now include the tournament date in the file name to make it easier to save and reference as needed for tournament administration.
- Rosters sent to Tournament Directors will now include the city the team is from to aid in playoff officiating determinations.
- System will not be able to process tournament entries until the team is marked as paid in the system. This will insure all teams complete their team registrations before a tournament entry can be accepted.
- Team page labels updated to accurately show which Site a team is assigned for regular season tournaments (it was inaccurately using "division" for the label instead of "site").
- Information on the Team pages has been updated to better handle canceled tournaments. Teams that entered a tournament that was canceled will now have that information reflected on their team page. The canceled tournament notice will also now indicate that the team received credit toward Regional Championship Events qualification.
- The Region Office now has ability to generate an email to team reps and the club director to indicate the current list of players and coaches that are not approved on a submitted Governing Season roster. We will send this listing on Mondays and Fridays so the reps will know who is not eligible to participate at that time.
2021-2022 New Features
- A new column was added on the Club Directory page to track clubs that have registered for the current season. A check mark will appear after they complete the club registration form. This column will reset each season so clubs know whether they have completed the current season's annual registration requirement in the member management system.
- Tournament System can now pull roster data from the USAV MMS. We will now send rosters to Tournament Directors before each tournament through the tournament system. Teams need to confirm all their roster data is correct in the MMS by Wednesday before the tournament.
- The handling of boys team's entries and assignment into girls events has been updated to match current region policy.
- Team Reps and Club Directors will now receive an email if their team is moved from one realm to another to best use available courts. So, if a team is moved from 14 East to 14 West, they will receive a notification from the system so they know where to look in the site assignments for a particular tournament.
- Updated the error message during the Team Registration process so unregistered clubs will be directed to the CR Forms page to complete their Club Registration.
- On the backend, Region office can bulk approve teams in the system once their team fee payment is received.
- On backend, Region office can view a list of ineligible coaches and players when the roster data is pulled. This will aid the office in reaching out to clubs with specific team members that need to complete requirements to be eligible to participate in a specific upcoming tournament.
- Handling of credits for canceled tournaments has been approved on front end and backend. Region can now generate email reminders to teams that still have unused credits with instructions on how to use the credits.
2019-2020 New Features
- Tournament Entry Deadlines and Sites Assigned info added to individual tournament pages. Deadline (2 weeks before the tournament) will show up until the sites are assigned.
- Post-event tournament financials statement improvements. These are sent to Tournament hosts after the event when we process payments to them.
2018-2019 New Features
- SSL certificates have been installed for the main site ( and the tournament system ( Site visitors will see the secure padlock symbol when visiting our sites now.
- For all regular season tournaments, teams will be assigned to "SITES" this season. Sites will be labeled in numerical order with teams at the top of the rankings assigned to Site 1. Teams will continue to be assigned out in pools of 4. The Regional Championships sites (top 4 from the East vs top 4 from the West) will just be labeled by the age group. East/West Championship sites will be labeled as "DIVISIONS".
- The Club Directory has been updated to show the age groups of teams in the club for the CURRENT season. This information will update automatically as teams are added into the system for the current season. This will help families see which teams are available in the club if they are looking for opportunities to play.
- We have added a new Camps and Clinics listing feature. Hosts can submit their camps and clinics on the page to promote to visitors to the site. This is provided as a service to our members and does not indicate any endorsement of any camp/clinic/host by the Region. If interested in any camp or clinic, visit the URL provided for more research and information.
- All Power events that have results uploaded into the system will now be marked as Power events. This will help us track the use of Power events in eligibility requirements for Regional Championship Events better (only one allowed).
- We have improved the display for any tournaments that have to be cancelled due to inclement weather. Any tournaments that are cancelled will now indicate that at the very top banner. This will also be updated on the team's individual page if they were entered in any tournaments that were cancelled.
- We improved the tournament entry display at individual tournaments to show teams that may be in danger of not getting into the tournament due to (a) not enough courts to accept all teams and (b) not being eligible to participate in a bid tournament or Regional Championships event due to not playing in the minimum required number of events yet. Teams will be listed in RED and a brief description will show next to them in parentheses. A link to a FAQ page about this feature will be shown at top of tournament pages until the tournament is played.
- Eligibility status will show in the tournament entries for teams entering a National bid tournament (will be in RED if they have not played in required event yet).
- Team pages will now track participation in USAV National Qualifiers if used towards Regional Championship event eligibility.
- Post-tournament financial statements now generated and sent to Tournament Hosts through the system after all post-tournament documents are received in the office.
2017-2018 New Features
- The Points System is now known as the Carolina Region Tournament System, reflecting its broader scope.
- When you select Juniors from the Program menu, you can now select an age group or enter a club name. The resulting page can be bookmarked to make it easy to return to in future browsing sessions.
- The team page now displays whether a team is eligible to participate in National Bid tournaments and Regional Championship events based on participation.
- This season we will treat Playoff matches the same as pool play matches. Points will be gained or lost for each playoff game, so a 2-0 win will transfer more points than a 2-1 victory.
- There is now a club directory in the Info menu so users can contact clubs in their area when looking for playing opportunities.
- Updated menus and links to match the redesigned Carolina Region web site.
- This season the Tournament System will display results from CR-sanctioned multi-day tournaments, (such as Quest, City of Oaks, Queen City and MAPL Raleigh). Matches between Carolina Region teams in these tournaments will be included in points calculations. The USAV Team Code in AES must match the USAV Team code in WebPoint (your official code) in order for us to match results to teams.
- Added a feature where teams will be listed in RED in the tournament entries received lists IF they "may" be in danger of not getting into the tournament. The system looks at total number of entries, total courts available in each region (East/West), and minimum number of teams needed for a pool (3) to generate the teams listed in RED. With that criteria only, the system will list teams in RED that we cannot currently accommodate (based on date of entry). Keep in mind that we will still move teams into other regions/age groups if possible to accommodate as many teams as we can (this won't happen until after entry deadline passes and we begin to assign sites), so all teams in red will not necessarily be eliminated from the tournament. But, if you see we are short courts (see table at top of each tournament page) and your team is in RED, it may help your team and the region if you can find additional courts to host that weekend! Any teams not getting in to the tournament, will be put on the Wait List when sites are assigned.
- Team Reps and Club Directors now get a confirmation email when a tournament entry is processed into the system.
- Teams that are entered in a tournament that is cancelled (due to inclement weather or loss of site) will now have that status shown on their individual Team Page. They will have an item that shows they have a credit and when it is used, that status will be updated with how it was used (refund check or applied to another tournament).
- There is now a New Features menu item under the Info menu (you are reading it).
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