Feb 15 Tournament (Juniors)

Playing Divisions

Tournament Notes

Entry deadline: Sat Feb 01, 2025

Additional tournament information (start times, formats, etc.) can be found at the Region Frequently Asked Questions page.


Girls-18 Site 1

Site: Wheatmore HS 3678 Finch Farm Rd, Trinity, NC 27370
Contact: Kenny McCoy, (336) 848-5337, Kenny.McCoy@ODFL.com
Day of Tournament: (336) 848-5337
Facility Info: Doors open 8 am. There will be a $5 admissions fee for ALL non participants 11 years & older, CASH ONLY. Bleachers available in both gyms. NO outside chairs allowed in main gym, outside chairs allowed in auxiliary gym. Space for camping/table set up inside cafeteria. No food or drink in gym. Concessions sold on site.

Girls-18 Pool 1

# Teams Match A B Work
1 MCV 18U Elliott 1 MCV 18U Elliott DOVE 18's FCA Force 18U BLUE
2 FCA Force 18U BLUE 2 FCA Force 18U BLUE NC Power & Sand 18 Girls MCV 18U Elliott
3 DOVE 18's 3 MCV 18U Elliott NC Power & Sand 18 Girls DOVE 18's
4 NC Power & Sand 18 Girls 4 FCA Force 18U BLUE DOVE 18's MCV 18U Elliott
5 DOVE 18's NC Power & Sand 18 Girls FCA Force 18U BLUE
6 MCV 18U Elliott FCA Force 18U BLUE NC Power & Sand 18 Girls

Girls-18 Pool 2

# Teams Match A B Work
1 SEVA 18 - GOLD Kelly 1 SEVA 18 - GOLD Kelly Phoenix 18U Gold REAL Sports 18U
2 REAL Sports 18U 2 REAL Sports 18U Evolution 18 SEVA 18 - GOLD Kelly
3 Phoenix 18U Gold 3 SEVA 18 - GOLD Kelly Evolution 18 Phoenix 18U Gold
4 Evolution 18 4 REAL Sports 18U Phoenix 18U Gold SEVA 18 - GOLD Kelly
5 Phoenix 18U Gold Evolution 18 REAL Sports 18U
6 SEVA 18 - GOLD Kelly REAL Sports 18U Evolution 18

Girls-18 Site 2

Site: Greensboro Sportsplex 2400 16th Street, Greensboro, NC 27405
Contact: Ken Free, (336) 373-3276, kenneth.free@greensboro-nc.gov
Day of Tournament: (336) 373-3276
Facility Info: Doors open 8 am. There will be a $5 admissions fee for ALL non participants 11 years & older, CASH ONLY.

Parking may be limited.



*Other programming may be conducted at tournament site

Girls-18 Pool 1

# Teams Match A B Work
1 Jammers 18 Black 1 Jammers 18 Black CPVC 18 Cardinal Scotland 18u - Ashley
2 Scotland 18u - Ashley 2 Scotland 18u - Ashley CPVC 18 Cardinal Jammers 18 Black
3 CPVC 18 Cardinal 3 Jammers 18 Black Scotland 18u - Ashley CPVC 18 Cardinal

Girls-18 Pool 2

# Teams Match A B Work
1 BVA 18 Tim 1 BVA 18 Tim FCACVC 18U National Storms KVC 18U Light
2 KVC 18U Light 2 KVC 18U Light FCACVC 18U National Storms BVA 18 Tim
3 FCACVC 18U National Storms 3 BVA 18 Tim KVC 18U Light FCACVC 18U National Storms


JR-11-East Site 1

Site: Carolina Legacy Volleyball Club 641 Granite Vista Dr., Rolesville, NC 27571
Contact: Christy Fitzgerald, (919) 263-9892, carolinalegacyvb.director@outlook.com
Day of Tournament: (919) 339-3535
Facility Info: Doors open 8:00 am. There will be a $5 admissions fee for ALL non participants 11 years & older, CASH ONLY.... Park in designated areas only. Some bleacher seating available, bring camp chairs. Limited indoor camping space provided. No disrespect of staff or officials will be tolerated.

JR-11-East Pool 1

# Teams Match A B Work
1 Triangle 11 Black 1 Triangle 11 Black Zoo City Kangaroos Carolina Advantage 11 Teal
2 Carolina Advantage 11 Teal 2 Carolina Advantage 11 Teal Zoo City Kangaroos Triangle 11 Black
3 Zoo City Kangaroos 3 Triangle 11 Black Carolina Advantage 11 Teal Zoo City Kangaroos

JR-11-East Pool 2

# Teams Match A B Work
1 CLVC 11-Black 1 CLVC 11-Black Zoo City Koalas CSF 11U Teal
2 CSF 11U Teal 2 CSF 11U Teal Zoo City Koalas CLVC 11-Black
3 Zoo City Koalas 3 CLVC 11-Black CSF 11U Teal Zoo City Koalas


JR-11-West Site 1

Site: Millennium Charter Academy 600 Old Springs Rd, Mt Airy, NC 27030
Contact: Chuck Morris, (336) 215-8854, c.h.morris9@gmail.com
Day of Tournament: (336) 215-8854
Facility Info: Doors open 7:50 am. There will be a $5 admissions fee for ALL non participants 11 years & older, CASH ONLY. Main Gym - far left side of complex (stand alone building). Minimal bleacher seating, bring chairs to sit behind blue taped lines. Limited room in hall for team camping. No concessions.

JR-11-West Pool 1

# Teams Match A B Work
1 CSVC 11 Regional 1 CSVC 11 Regional Champion 11R Purple Piedmont VBC 11 Navy
2 Piedmont VBC 11 Navy 2 Piedmont VBC 11 Navy Champion 11R Purple CSVC 11 Regional
3 Champion 11R Purple 3 CSVC 11 Regional Piedmont VBC 11 Navy Champion 11R Purple

JR-11-West Pool 2

# Teams Match A B Work
1 CUVC 11 Wolves 1 CUVC 11 Wolves Pannix 11U White CJV 11 State Blue
2 CJV 11 State Blue 2 CJV 11 State Blue Pannix 11U White CUVC 11 Wolves
3 Pannix 11U White 3 CUVC 11 Wolves CJV 11 State Blue Pannix 11U White


JR-12-East Site 1

Site: Triangle VBC 121 Competition Center Dr, Morrisville, NC 27560
Contact: Kylie Freeman, (919) 462-8196, kylie.freeman@trianglevolleyball.org
Day of Tournament: (919) 462-8196
Facility Info: Doors Open 8:00 am. There will be a $5 admissions fee for ALL non participants 11 years & older, cash preferred [$1 convenience fee for credit card transactions]. Spectator seating NOT provided - spectators should bring their own chair. NO "camping" allowed indoors. NO TABLES/CHAIRS; COOLERS/CROCK POTS/OUTDOOR FIRES OR RV's ALLOWED. For a complete list of rules, please view our VISTORS GUIDE - https://trianglevolleyball.org/tournaments/other-events/carolina-region-host-site. PARKING LIMITED AT SITE, PLEASE FOLLOW SIGNS.

JR-12-East Pool 1

# Teams Match A B Work
1 ECJVC 12 Select 1 ECJVC 12 Select Triangle 12 Silver ROX 12u
2 ROX 12u 2 ROX 12u Coastline 12 Regional+ ECJVC 12 Select
3 Triangle 12 Silver 3 ECJVC 12 Select Coastline 12 Regional+ Triangle 12 Silver
4 Coastline 12 Regional+ 4 ROX 12u Triangle 12 Silver ECJVC 12 Select
5 Triangle 12 Silver Coastline 12 Regional+ ROX 12u
6 ECJVC 12 Select ROX 12u Coastline 12 Regional+

JR-12-East Pool 2

# Teams Match A B Work
1 Sandhills 12U Katelynn 1 Sandhills 12U Katelynn ARVC 12U Black MCV 12U Hogan
2 MCV 12U Hogan 2 MCV 12U Hogan Triangle 12 White Sandhills 12U Katelynn
3 ARVC 12U Black 3 Sandhills 12U Katelynn Triangle 12 White ARVC 12U Black
4 Triangle 12 White 4 MCV 12U Hogan ARVC 12U Black Sandhills 12U Katelynn
5 ARVC 12U Black Triangle 12 White MCV 12U Hogan
6 Sandhills 12U Katelynn MCV 12U Hogan Triangle 12 White

JR-12-East Site 2

Site: Freedom Courts Sportsplex 3126 Gillespie Street, Fayetteville, NC 28306
Contact: John Smith, (910) 237-3179, jsmith@fcapatriots.org
Day of Tournament: (910) 237-3179
Facility Info: Doors open 8:00am. There will be a $5 admissions fee for ALL non participants 11 years & older, CASH ONLY. NOT PERMITTED IN FACILITY: folding chairs, outside food and coolers - ONLY WATER & GATORADE PERMITTED. Stadium seating/bleachers available. On-site coffee shop and full concessions available. Outside space for team camp setup.

JR-12-East Pool 1

# Teams Match A B Work
1 White Cross Elite 12 1 White Cross Elite 12 CSF 12U Teal Jammers 12 Red
2 Jammers 12 Red 2 Jammers 12 Red NC Intensity 12U Madi White Cross Elite 12
3 CSF 12U Teal 3 White Cross Elite 12 NC Intensity 12U Madi CSF 12U Teal
4 NC Intensity 12U Madi 4 Jammers 12 Red CSF 12U Teal White Cross Elite 12
5 CSF 12U Teal NC Intensity 12U Madi Jammers 12 Red
6 White Cross Elite 12 Jammers 12 Red NC Intensity 12U Madi

JR-12-East Pool 2

# Teams Match A B Work
1 ECJVC 12 Regional 1 ECJVC 12 Regional Zoo City Cheetahs Carolina Advantage 12 Teal
2 Carolina Advantage 12 Teal 2 Carolina Advantage 12 Teal Eastern Elite 12 Purple ECJVC 12 Regional
3 Zoo City Cheetahs 3 ECJVC 12 Regional Eastern Elite 12 Purple Zoo City Cheetahs
4 Eastern Elite 12 Purple 4 Carolina Advantage 12 Teal Zoo City Cheetahs ECJVC 12 Regional
5 Zoo City Cheetahs Eastern Elite 12 Purple Carolina Advantage 12 Teal
6 ECJVC 12 Regional Carolina Advantage 12 Teal Eastern Elite 12 Purple

JR-12-East Site 3

Site: Triangle VBC 121 Competition Center Dr, Morrisville, NC 27560
Contact: Kylie Freeman, (919) 462-8196, kylie.freeman@trianglevolleyball.org
Day of Tournament: (919) 462-8196
Facility Info: Doors Open 8:00 am. There will be a $5 admissions fee for ALL non participants 11 years & older, cash preferred [$1 convenience fee for credit card transactions]. Spectator seating NOT provided - spectators should bring their own chair. NO "camping" allowed indoors. NO TABLES/CHAIRS; COOLERS/CROCK POTS/OUTDOOR FIRES OR RV's ALLOWED. For a complete list of rules, please view our VISTORS GUIDE - https://trianglevolleyball.org/tournaments/other-events/carolina-region-host-site. PARKING LIMITED AT SITE, PLEASE FOLLOW SIGNS.

JR-12-East Pool 1

# Teams Match A B Work
1 ECVA 12 Teal 1 ECVA 12 Teal Raleigh 12 White DDVC
2 DDVC 2 DDVC Jammers 12 Blue ECVA 12 Teal
3 Raleigh 12 White 3 ECVA 12 Teal Jammers 12 Blue Raleigh 12 White
4 Jammers 12 Blue 4 DDVC Raleigh 12 White ECVA 12 Teal
5 Raleigh 12 White Jammers 12 Blue DDVC
6 ECVA 12 Teal DDVC Jammers 12 Blue

JR-12-East Pool 2

# Teams Match A B Work
1 KVC 12U Sky 1 KVC 12U Sky MCV 12U Alex Revolution 12 Alex
2 Revolution 12 Alex 2 Revolution 12 Alex CHAVC 12 Purple KVC 12U Sky
3 MCV 12U Alex 3 KVC 12U Sky CHAVC 12 Purple MCV 12U Alex
4 CHAVC 12 Purple 4 Revolution 12 Alex MCV 12U Alex KVC 12U Sky
5 MCV 12U Alex CHAVC 12 Purple Revolution 12 Alex
6 KVC 12U Sky Revolution 12 Alex CHAVC 12 Purple

JR-12-East Site 4

Site: Freedom Courts Sportsplex 3126 Gillespie Street, Fayetteville, NC 28306
Contact: John Smith, (910) 237-3179, jsmith@fcapatriots.org
Day of Tournament: (910) 237-3179
Facility Info: Doors open 8:00am. There will be a $5 admissions fee for ALL non participants 11 years & older, CASH ONLY. NOT PERMITTED IN FACILITY: folding chairs, outside food and coolers - ONLY WATER & GATORADE PERMITTED. Stadium seating/bleachers available. On-site coffee shop and full concessions available. Outside space for team camp setup.

JR-12-East Pool 1

# Teams Match A B Work
1 AAVC12REGIONAL 1 AAVC12REGIONAL Eastside 12u Dev NC Coastal 12 Brynnan
2 NC Coastal 12 Brynnan 2 NC Coastal 12 Brynnan REAL Sports 12U AAVC12REGIONAL
3 Eastside 12u Dev 3 AAVC12REGIONAL REAL Sports 12U Eastside 12u Dev
4 REAL Sports 12U 4 NC Coastal 12 Brynnan Eastside 12u Dev AAVC12REGIONAL
5 Eastside 12u Dev REAL Sports 12U NC Coastal 12 Brynnan
6 AAVC12REGIONAL NC Coastal 12 Brynnan REAL Sports 12U

JR-12-East Pool 2

# Teams Match A B Work
1 Zoo City Panthers 1 Zoo City Panthers Eastside 12u Dev 2 FSVELITE 12'S
2 FSVELITE 12'S 2 FSVELITE 12'S Slammers 12U Ellie Zoo City Panthers
3 Eastside 12u Dev 2 3 Zoo City Panthers Slammers 12U Ellie Eastside 12u Dev 2
4 Slammers 12U Ellie 4 FSVELITE 12'S Eastside 12u Dev 2 Zoo City Panthers
5 Eastside 12u Dev 2 Slammers 12U Ellie FSVELITE 12'S
6 Zoo City Panthers FSVELITE 12'S Slammers 12U Ellie


JR-12-West Site 1

Site: Rise Indoor Sports 419 Twins Way, Bermuda Run, NC 27006
Contact: Kevin Daniels, (702) 278-6798, kevin@riseindoorsports.com
Day of Tournament: (702) 278-6798
Facility Info: Doors Open 7 am. There will be a $5 admissions fee for ALL non participants 11 years & older, CASH ONLY. - an additional service fee if paying by credit card. Please note there will also be a $5 parking fee.

For GPS apps, use Truist Soccer Park as destination, follow green Rise signs for parking



JR-12-West Pool 1

# Teams Match A B Work
1 I.C. Stars 12 Heidi 1 I.C. Stars 12 Heidi CUVC 12 Briana TUVA G12 Elite
2 TUVA G12 Elite 2 TUVA G12 Elite Next Level Volleyball Academy 12 Mint I.C. Stars 12 Heidi
3 CUVC 12 Briana 3 I.C. Stars 12 Heidi Next Level Volleyball Academy 12 Mint CUVC 12 Briana
4 Next Level Volleyball Academy 12 Mint 4 TUVA G12 Elite CUVC 12 Briana I.C. Stars 12 Heidi
5 CUVC 12 Briana Next Level Volleyball Academy 12 Mint TUVA G12 Elite
6 I.C. Stars 12 Heidi TUVA G12 Elite Next Level Volleyball Academy 12 Mint

JR-12-West Pool 2

# Teams Match A B Work
1 704 Volleyball Club 1 704 Volleyball Club CSVC 12 Regional BVA 12-1
2 BVA 12-1 2 BVA 12-1 RCVC 12 Unite 704 Volleyball Club
3 CSVC 12 Regional 3 704 Volleyball Club RCVC 12 Unite CSVC 12 Regional
4 RCVC 12 Unite 4 BVA 12-1 CSVC 12 Regional 704 Volleyball Club
5 CSVC 12 Regional RCVC 12 Unite BVA 12-1
6 704 Volleyball Club BVA 12-1 RCVC 12 Unite

JR-12-West Site 2

Site: Rise Indoor Sports 419 Twins Way, Bermuda Run, NC 27006
Contact: Kevin Daniels, (702) 278-6798, kevin@riseindoorsports.com
Day of Tournament: (702) 278-6798
Facility Info: Doors Open 7 am. There will be a $5 admissions fee for ALL non participants 11 years & older, CASH ONLY. - an additional service fee if paying by credit card. Please note there will also be a $5 parking fee.

For GPS apps, use Truist Soccer Park as destination, follow green Rise signs for parking



JR-12-West Pool 1

# Teams Match A B Work
1 Beach South 12 Black 1 Beach South 12 Black FSVC 12u Pannix 12U Black
2 Pannix 12U Black 2 Pannix 12U Black FCA Force 12U REGIONAL Beach South 12 Black
3 FSVC 12u 3 Beach South 12 Black FCA Force 12U REGIONAL FSVC 12u
4 FCA Force 12U REGIONAL 4 Pannix 12U Black FSVC 12u Beach South 12 Black
5 FSVC 12u FCA Force 12U REGIONAL Pannix 12U Black
6 Beach South 12 Black Pannix 12U Black FCA Force 12U REGIONAL

JR-12-West Pool 2

# Teams Match A B Work
1 TUVA G12 Select 1 TUVA G12 Select Alexander Aces 12U RCVC 12 Black
2 RCVC 12 Black 2 RCVC 12 Black HRVC 12 Pixies TUVA G12 Select
3 Alexander Aces 12U 3 TUVA G12 Select HRVC 12 Pixies Alexander Aces 12U
4 HRVC 12 Pixies 4 RCVC 12 Black Alexander Aces 12U TUVA G12 Select
5 Alexander Aces 12U HRVC 12 Pixies RCVC 12 Black
6 TUVA G12 Select RCVC 12 Black HRVC 12 Pixies

JR-12-West Site 3

Site: Rise Indoor Sports 419 Twins Way, Bermuda Run, NC 27006
Contact: Kevin Daniels, (702) 278-6798, kevin@riseindoorsports.com
Day of Tournament: (702) 278-6798
Facility Info: Doors Open 7 am. There will be a $5 admissions fee for ALL non participants 11 years & older, CASH ONLY. - an additional service fee if paying by credit card. Please note there will also be a $5 parking fee.

For GPS apps, use Truist Soccer Park as destination, follow green Rise signs for parking



JR-12-West Pool 1

# Teams Match A B Work
1 Pannix 12U Royal 1 Pannix 12U Royal SP2VC-12Brandi Champion 12R Purple
2 Champion 12R Purple 2 Champion 12R Purple I.C. Stars 12 Danielle Pannix 12U Royal
3 SP2VC-12Brandi 3 Pannix 12U Royal I.C. Stars 12 Danielle SP2VC-12Brandi
4 I.C. Stars 12 Danielle 4 Champion 12R Purple SP2VC-12Brandi Pannix 12U Royal
5 SP2VC-12Brandi I.C. Stars 12 Danielle Champion 12R Purple
6 Pannix 12U Royal Champion 12R Purple I.C. Stars 12 Danielle

JR-12-West Pool 2

# Teams Match A B Work
1 Piedmont VBC 12 Vapor 1 Piedmont VBC 12 Vapor Champion 12R Black AVC Black Ice 12s
2 AVC Black Ice 12s 2 AVC Black Ice 12s HRVC 12 Regional Black Piedmont VBC 12 Vapor
3 Champion 12R Black 3 Piedmont VBC 12 Vapor HRVC 12 Regional Black Champion 12R Black
4 HRVC 12 Regional Black 4 AVC Black Ice 12s Champion 12R Black Piedmont VBC 12 Vapor
5 Champion 12R Black HRVC 12 Regional Black AVC Black Ice 12s
6 Piedmont VBC 12 Vapor AVC Black Ice 12s HRVC 12 Regional Black

JR-12-West Site 4

Site: Greensboro Sportsplex 2400 16th Street, Greensboro, NC 27405
Contact: Ken Free, (336) 373-3276, kenneth.free@greensboro-nc.gov
Day of Tournament: (336) 373-3276
Facility Info: Doors open 8 am. There will be a $5 admissions fee for ALL non participants 11 years & older, CASH ONLY.

Parking may be limited.



*Other programming may be conducted at tournament site

JR-12-West Pool 1

# Teams Match A B Work
1 Piedmont VBC 12 Navy 1 Piedmont VBC 12 Navy App VC 12 Regional Blitz 12
2 Blitz 12 2 Blitz 12 App VC 12 Regional Piedmont VBC 12 Navy
3 App VC 12 Regional 3 Piedmont VBC 12 Navy Blitz 12 App VC 12 Regional

JR-12-West Pool 1

# Teams Match A B Work
1 Pannix 12U Gold 1 Pannix 12U Gold FCA Ultra 12 Melissa SP2VC-12Elizabeth
2 SP2VC-12Elizabeth 2 SP2VC-12Elizabeth FCA Ultra 12 Melissa Pannix 12U Gold
3 FCA Ultra 12 Melissa 3 Pannix 12U Gold SP2VC-12Elizabeth FCA Ultra 12 Melissa


JR-13-East Site 1

Site: Martin Gym 2 1083 Taylors's Creek Dr, Greenville, NC 27834
Contact: Kayla Ruffin, (252) 341-9462, kayla.ruffin.ecjvc@gmail.com
Day of Tournament: (252) 341-9462
Facility Info: Doors Open 8:00 am. There will be a $5 admissions fee for ALL non participants 11 years & older, CASH ONLY. No bleachers available, outside chairs allowed. Space for camping/table setup is available in parking lot. Outside food allowed in outside camping area only.

JR-13-East Pool 1

# Teams Match A B Work
1 Sandhills 13U TayJay 1 Sandhills 13U TayJay Jammers 13 Red ROX 13u
2 ROX 13u 2 ROX 13u ECJVC 13 Select Sandhills 13U TayJay
3 Jammers 13 Red 3 Sandhills 13U TayJay ECJVC 13 Select Jammers 13 Red
4 ECJVC 13 Select 4 ROX 13u Jammers 13 Red Sandhills 13U TayJay
5 Jammers 13 Red ECJVC 13 Select ROX 13u
6 Sandhills 13U TayJay ROX 13u ECJVC 13 Select

JR-13-East Pool 2

# Teams Match A B Work
1 NC Coastal 13 Shelby 1 NC Coastal 13 Shelby VLBR-13 TARA ECJVC 13 Premier
2 ECJVC 13 Premier 2 ECJVC 13 Premier White Cross Elite 13 Black NC Coastal 13 Shelby
3 VLBR-13 TARA 3 NC Coastal 13 Shelby White Cross Elite 13 Black VLBR-13 TARA
4 White Cross Elite 13 Black 4 ECJVC 13 Premier VLBR-13 TARA NC Coastal 13 Shelby
5 VLBR-13 TARA White Cross Elite 13 Black ECJVC 13 Premier
6 NC Coastal 13 Shelby ECJVC 13 Premier White Cross Elite 13 Black

JR-13-East Site 2

Site: Triangle VBC 121 Competition Center Dr, Morrisville, NC 27560
Contact: Kylie Freeman, (919) 462-8196, kylie.freeman@trianglevolleyball.org
Day of Tournament: (919) 462-8196
Facility Info: Doors Open 8:00 am. There will be a $5 admissions fee for ALL non participants 11 years & older, cash preferred [$1 convenience fee for credit card transactions]. Spectator seating NOT provided - spectators should bring their own chair. NO "camping" allowed indoors. NO TABLES/CHAIRS; COOLERS/CROCK POTS/OUTDOOR FIRES OR RV's ALLOWED. For a complete list of rules, please view our VISTORS GUIDE - https://trianglevolleyball.org/tournaments/other-events/carolina-region-host-site. PARKING LIMITED AT SITE, PLEASE FOLLOW SIGNS.

JR-13-East Pool 1

# Teams Match A B Work
1 Caswell Quest 1 Caswell Quest NC Coastal 13 Caroline ECVA 13 Teal
2 ECVA 13 Teal 2 ECVA 13 Teal 13U Lady Spartans Caswell Quest
3 NC Coastal 13 Caroline 3 Caswell Quest 13U Lady Spartans NC Coastal 13 Caroline
4 13U Lady Spartans 4 ECVA 13 Teal NC Coastal 13 Caroline Caswell Quest
5 NC Coastal 13 Caroline 13U Lady Spartans ECVA 13 Teal
6 Caswell Quest ECVA 13 Teal 13U Lady Spartans

JR-13-East Pool 2

# Teams Match A B Work
1 KVC 13U Angels 1 KVC 13U Angels Eastside 13u Brandy Sandhills 13U HR2
2 Sandhills 13U HR2 2 Sandhills 13U HR2 AAVC13REGIONALPLUS KVC 13U Angels
3 Eastside 13u Brandy 3 KVC 13U Angels AAVC13REGIONALPLUS Eastside 13u Brandy
4 AAVC13REGIONALPLUS 4 Sandhills 13U HR2 Eastside 13u Brandy KVC 13U Angels
5 Eastside 13u Brandy AAVC13REGIONALPLUS Sandhills 13U HR2
6 KVC 13U Angels Sandhills 13U HR2 AAVC13REGIONALPLUS

JR-13-East Site 3

Site: Eastern Guilford HS 415 Peeden Dr, Gibsonville, NC 27249
Contact: Lisa Andrews, (336) 337-8036, lynn06@msn.com
Day of Tournament: (336) 337-8036
Facility Info: Doors open 8:00 am. There will be a $5 admissions fee for ALL non participants 11 years & older, CASH ONLY Please pull into the HS and go to the side building to enter the gyms.



JR-13-East Pool 1

# Teams Match A B Work
1 Firecrackers 13 Blue 1 Firecrackers 13 Blue NC Coastal 13 Grace C Jammers 13 Blue
2 Jammers 13 Blue 2 Jammers 13 Blue ECJVC 13 Regional Firecrackers 13 Blue
3 NC Coastal 13 Grace C 3 Firecrackers 13 Blue ECJVC 13 Regional NC Coastal 13 Grace C
4 ECJVC 13 Regional 4 Jammers 13 Blue NC Coastal 13 Grace C Firecrackers 13 Blue
5 NC Coastal 13 Grace C ECJVC 13 Regional Jammers 13 Blue
6 Firecrackers 13 Blue Jammers 13 Blue ECJVC 13 Regional

JR-13-East Pool 2

# Teams Match A B Work
1 CLVC 13-Silver 1 CLVC 13-Silver Zoo City Arctic Foxes Eastern Elite 13 Purple
2 Eastern Elite 13 Purple 2 Eastern Elite 13 Purple ECVA 13 Black CLVC 13-Silver
3 Zoo City Arctic Foxes 3 CLVC 13-Silver ECVA 13 Black Zoo City Arctic Foxes
4 ECVA 13 Black 4 Eastern Elite 13 Purple Zoo City Arctic Foxes CLVC 13-Silver
5 Zoo City Arctic Foxes ECVA 13 Black Eastern Elite 13 Purple
6 CLVC 13-Silver Eastern Elite 13 Purple ECVA 13 Black

JR-13-East Site 4

Site: Providence Grove HS 5555 Mack Lineberry Rd, Climax, NC 27233
Contact: Tim Brown, (336) 736-6474, skip_4_8@yahoo.com
Day of Tournament: (336) 736-6474
Facility Info: Doors Open 8 am. There will be a $5 admissions fee for ALL non participants 11 years & older, CASH ONLY. Bleachers in both gym - no outside chairs in Main gym, outside chairs allowed in auxiliary gym. Outside food allowed. Cafeteria tables available and open for food setup. Concessions sold on site.

JR-13-East Pool 1

# Teams Match A B Work
1 Jammers 13 White 1 Jammers 13 White H2 U13 Silver NC Elite 13 Black
2 NC Elite 13 Black 2 NC Elite 13 Black H2 U13 Silver Jammers 13 White
3 H2 U13 Silver 3 Jammers 13 White NC Elite 13 Black H2 U13 Silver
4 Jammers 13 White H2 U13 Silver NC Elite 13 Black
5 NC Elite 13 Black H2 U13 Silver Jammers 13 White
6 Jammers 13 White NC Elite 13 Black H2 U13 Silver

JR-13-East Pool 2

# Teams Match A B Work
1 Raleigh 13 White 1 Raleigh 13 White Sandhills 13U Juanita RAVC 13
2 RAVC 13 2 RAVC 13 Scotland 13u - Eric Raleigh 13 White
3 Sandhills 13U Juanita 3 Raleigh 13 White Scotland 13u - Eric Sandhills 13U Juanita
4 Scotland 13u - Eric 4 RAVC 13 Sandhills 13U Juanita Raleigh 13 White
5 Sandhills 13U Juanita Scotland 13u - Eric RAVC 13
6 Raleigh 13 White RAVC 13 Scotland 13u - Eric


JR-13-West Site 1

Site: Select Sportsplex 2018 Clement Blvd NW, Hickory NC 28601
Contact: Lacy Rowe, (828) 244-3017, carolinaselectdirector@gmail.com
Day of Tournament: (828) 244-3017
Facility Info: Doors open 8 am. There will be a $5 admissions fee for ALL non-participants 11 years & older, CASH or CREDIT CARD accepted. Bleachers available with limited area for chairs. Large outside parking lot available for tables. Limited hallway space for inside tables.

JR-13-West Pool 1

# Teams Match A B Work
1 Piedmont VBC 13 NIKE 1 Piedmont VBC 13 NIKE CSVC 13 Regional Beach South 13 Red
2 Beach South 13 Red 2 Beach South 13 Red Champion 13 Stokes Piedmont VBC 13 NIKE
3 CSVC 13 Regional 3 Piedmont VBC 13 NIKE Champion 13 Stokes CSVC 13 Regional
4 Champion 13 Stokes 4 Beach South 13 Red CSVC 13 Regional Piedmont VBC 13 NIKE
5 CSVC 13 Regional Champion 13 Stokes Beach South 13 Red
6 Piedmont VBC 13 NIKE Beach South 13 Red Champion 13 Stokes

JR-13-West Pool 2

# Teams Match A B Work
1 CSVC 13 White 1 CSVC 13 White YSVC- 13 App VC 13 Elite
2 App VC 13 Elite 2 App VC 13 Elite Champion 13R Purple CSVC 13 White
3 YSVC- 13 3 CSVC 13 White Champion 13R Purple YSVC- 13
4 Champion 13R Purple 4 App VC 13 Elite YSVC- 13 CSVC 13 White
5 YSVC- 13 Champion 13R Purple App VC 13 Elite
6 CSVC 13 White App VC 13 Elite Champion 13R Purple

JR-13-West Site 2

Site: Starmount Middle School 2626 Longtown Rd, Booneville, NC 27011
Contact: Annette Dudley, (336) 244-7133, adudley65@aol.com
Day of Tournament: (336) 244-7133
Facility Info: Doors open 8 am. There will be a $5 admissions fee for ALL non participants 11 years & older, CASH ONLY. Chairs allowed in gym, bleachers will not be pulled out for spectator seating. Room for tables in lobby and have plugs for crock pots - tables and chairs will not be provided. No food or drinks in gym. NO GRILLS AND DOGS allowed on school property (school policy).

JR-13-West Pool 1

# Teams Match A B Work
1 HRVC 13 American Green 1 HRVC 13 American Green Crusaders 13 CUVC 13R Rochelle
2 CUVC 13R Rochelle 2 CUVC 13R Rochelle App VC 13 Zonal HRVC 13 American Green
3 Crusaders 13 3 HRVC 13 American Green App VC 13 Zonal Crusaders 13
4 App VC 13 Zonal 4 CUVC 13R Rochelle Crusaders 13 HRVC 13 American Green
5 Crusaders 13 App VC 13 Zonal CUVC 13R Rochelle
6 HRVC 13 American Green CUVC 13R Rochelle App VC 13 Zonal

JR-13-West Pool 2

# Teams Match A B Work
1 Beach South 13 White 1 Beach South 13 White WCAces Regional 13 Champion 13 Surry
2 Champion 13 Surry 2 Champion 13 Surry CUVC 13R Allison Beach South 13 White
3 WCAces Regional 13 3 Beach South 13 White CUVC 13R Allison WCAces Regional 13
4 CUVC 13R Allison 4 Champion 13 Surry WCAces Regional 13 Beach South 13 White
5 WCAces Regional 13 CUVC 13R Allison Champion 13 Surry
6 Beach South 13 White Champion 13 Surry CUVC 13R Allison

JR-13-West Site 3

Site: Champion Volleyball Facility 4927 Home Rd, Winston-Salem, NC 27106
Contact: Olivia Morris, (336) 793-7244, championvb1@gmail.com
Day of Tournament: (336) 793-7244
Facility Info: Doors open 7:30 am. There will be a $5 admissions fee for ALL non participants 11 years & older, CASH ONLY. Space inside for food tables - limited outlets available. No food allowed on courts - only water and sport drinks allowed on court. Limited bleachers are available, spectators may bring chairs. Limited restroom facilities on site. Limited parking space due to number of spectators.

JR-13-West Pool 1

# Teams Match A B Work
1 RCVC 13 1 RCVC 13 SP2VC-13Hannah Lake Norman 13U
2 Lake Norman 13U 2 Lake Norman 13U Champion 13R Black RCVC 13
3 SP2VC-13Hannah 3 RCVC 13 Champion 13R Black SP2VC-13Hannah
4 Champion 13R Black 4 Lake Norman 13U SP2VC-13Hannah RCVC 13
5 SP2VC-13Hannah Champion 13R Black Lake Norman 13U
6 RCVC 13 Lake Norman 13U Champion 13R Black

JR-13-West Pool 2

# Teams Match A B Work
1 PAVC NC 13 Green 1 PAVC NC 13 Green Carolina CHAOS 13 Royal FCA Force 13U BLUE
2 FCA Force 13U BLUE 2 FCA Force 13U BLUE EDVC 13U Regional PAVC NC 13 Green
3 Carolina CHAOS 13 Royal 3 PAVC NC 13 Green EDVC 13U Regional Carolina CHAOS 13 Royal
4 EDVC 13U Regional 4 FCA Force 13U BLUE Carolina CHAOS 13 Royal PAVC NC 13 Green
5 Carolina CHAOS 13 Royal EDVC 13U Regional FCA Force 13U BLUE
6 PAVC NC 13 Green FCA Force 13U BLUE EDVC 13U Regional

JR-13-West Site 4

Site: Greensboro Sportsplex 2400 16th Street, Greensboro, NC 27405
Contact: Ken Free, (336) 373-3276, kenneth.free@greensboro-nc.gov
Day of Tournament: (336) 373-3276
Facility Info: Doors open 8 am. There will be a $5 admissions fee for ALL non participants 11 years & older, CASH ONLY.

Parking may be limited.



*Other programming may be conducted at tournament site

JR-13-West Pool 1

# Teams Match A B Work
1 Pannix 13U Royal 1 Pannix 13U Royal CHAVC 12u Boys PAVC NC 13 White
2 PAVC NC 13 White 2 PAVC NC 13 White CHAVC 12u Boys Pannix 13U Royal
3 CHAVC 12u Boys 3 Pannix 13U Royal PAVC NC 13 White CHAVC 12u Boys
4 Pannix 13U Royal CHAVC 12u Boys PAVC NC 13 White
5 PAVC NC 13 White CHAVC 12u Boys Pannix 13U Royal
6 Pannix 13U Royal PAVC NC 13 White CHAVC 12u Boys

JR-13-West Pool 2

# Teams Match A B Work
1 Piedmont VBC 13 Vapor 1 Piedmont VBC 13 Vapor Champion 13R White HRVC 13 American Black
2 HRVC 13 American Black 2 HRVC 13 American Black App VC 13 Regional Piedmont VBC 13 Vapor
3 Champion 13R White 3 Piedmont VBC 13 Vapor App VC 13 Regional Champion 13R White
4 App VC 13 Regional 4 HRVC 13 American Black Champion 13R White Piedmont VBC 13 Vapor
5 Champion 13R White App VC 13 Regional HRVC 13 American Black
6 Piedmont VBC 13 Vapor HRVC 13 American Black App VC 13 Regional